Fun Day Events

We keep learners actively involved in fun days throughout the year. Such events are planned by our dedicated staff and parents.

Walk the Talk

Our annual fun day is the highlight of the year! This event has grown to the point where we have been able to raise sufficient funds to purchase mini busses and complete various projects at the school. The day starts off with a 3km walk around the block and thereafter families return to our sports field where food and delicious goodies are on sale.

Grandparents’ Day

We show our appreciation to our grandparents by inviting them to join us for a morning of being entertained, while enjoying some eats, tea and coffee. Grandparents receive an encouraging message, play games, win prizes and have fun.

Entrepreneurs’ Day

This is a fun filled day in which our Grade 7 learners are given the opportunity to show their entrepreneur skills by creating a market with their stores. The object of the day is learning the fundamentals and basic skills of operating a business.


Every second year Agape hosts a quality production in which all our learners participate in. This is a production done with excellence.

Talent Show

Every alternative year when there is no concert, a talent show is held to showcase our learners talents. All learners are encouraged to enter.

Carols By Candle Light

Learners, parents, extended family members and friends are invited to join us on our sports field with a packed picnic basket for an evening of entertainment and carols under the stars.